Thanks but in part;
The full, the true Thanksgiving
Comes from the heart.
~J.A. Shedd

My heart is bursting this Thanksgiving; I have so much to be grateful for. But most of all that my family will be together — enjoying each other’s company in good health — as we shovel the turkey, cranberries, and stuffing into our mouths. That might not have been the case a few months ago. That’s because my daughter, Jill, had a health crisis that sent her to the hospital for five days, of which three were spent in the Intensive Care Unit. Her life was in danger from a large blood clot in her leg.

Unfortunately, this wasn’t her first health crisis. But thanks to the medical care she received, and to the Bio-Touch sessions I gave Jill when she was discharged, she is on the mend, and doing well. The Bio-Touch sessions helped reduce the residual swelling and pain in her leg, as well as the stress she felt due to being hospitalized.

And now, everything else has been put into proper perspective, because after living through that kind of fear and worry, returning to normalcy feels like being wrapped in a warm, loving hug. Appreciation and gratitude has filled me up, crowding out so many minor irritations of life.

I wish you and yours a healthy, happy, and loved Thanksgiving. May it be a cornucopia filled with all the things you’re grateful for.

Debra Schildhouse


1 Comment

  1. This is not a bio touch comment, but a good one none the less. On Monday last, I went to a therapeutic breath work class for the second time. It was truely miraculous for me. Two wonderful things happened for which I am truly grateful. The first, that I was aware of immediately, happened during the session. It was a healing of long term guilt that I had buried so deeply that I didn’t know it existed anymore. When my 4th child was born my marriage to her father was on the rocks and slipping away fast. I was so upset and confused that I could not love her and embrace her when she arrived. I only felt relief that she was no longer inside my body. This caused her to have a very difficult beginning in the life. At some point I was able to love her once I began to meditate and my life began to change, but i never really addressed the guilt that I had from her birth experience. On Monday evening I was taken back to that birth experience and give the opportunity to welcome her with genuine love and affection and the guilt was relieved completely. I was over joyed at the experience and very grateful. When I got home I realized something else. I have a couple of open sores on my hands that were red and raw when I went into the breath circle and when I got home they were completely healed! That made me wonder what other internal issues were healed that I had no awareness of. The experience made me aware of how important doing conscious breath work is. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

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