Bio-Touch Healing Training Manual

As I write this, the Tucson Festival of Books is now behind us. It was an incredible opportunity for the International Foundation of Bio-Magnetics (IFBM) to be able to participate, as an exhibitor, in this local gathering of 130,000 plus attendees. Our beautifully displayed Bio-Touch booth attracted many people, who were able to hear and learn about Bio-Touch for the first time. A number of them bought training manuals and our new book, and signed up for classes as well.

This got me to thinking about our training manual, and how it is loaded with informational and inspirational words and thoughts. Until recently, when the Bio-Touch book was published, the manual was the only collection of writings about the Bio-Touch technique since the Foundation was created over 25 years ago.

If you already own a copy of the manual, do yourself a favor and take another look through it. Reread the Mission and Vision statements. Ponder the powerful words of the “Dilemma” and the Preface. When you do, I think, like me, you will be reminded of not only how simple Bio-Touch is to learn and use, but of the enormous potential for self-awareness that this amazing technique offers all of us. Bio-Touch is an unfolding love story that needs to be told, and those words, written long ago, still do that beautifully.


  1. Always enjoy Bev’s inspiring and well written comments! They are heart-felt, heartening and hearty (as in, chockfull of emotional nutrients).

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