Sister Kadee Kotter





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    About Me


  • In 2015 my 6 year old daughter and I became Practitioners of Bio-Touch. In 2022 I became a Certified Practitioner to enhance my Holistic Healing offerings for my clients and community
  • After years of earning degrees and certificates in Holistic Healthcare and several thousand dollars later, I came back to the Bio-Touch practice. The simplicity of this highly effective healing modality is by far the best I have found.
  • By sharing Bio-Touch it is my mission to help people understand the inherent bio-magnetic functions of the body, and its natural ability to heal itself with the simple power of human touch.
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    Holistic Ministries 


  • Sister Kadee was raised from the dead at the age of 15 by laying on of hands after being hospitalized with bacterial spinal meningitis. She is an Ordained Minister and also a Certified Holistic Practitioner and Life Coach through the Southwest Institute Of Healing Arts.  
  • Kadee is on a mission to teach Believers of Christ who feel out of place to become
    Disciples of Christ, and to help her neighbors heal Holistically in Mind, Body and Spirit through Bible Based Practices
  • Holistic Ministries provides Mind, Body, and Spirit Healing solutions Including Nutritional Coaching, Prayer Therapy, Natural Birth Doula Services, and Bio-Touch Healing Sessions
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Visit me at my website: HolisticMinistries.US


Phone: Call me at (928) 205-2687

Show Low & White Mountains, Arizona

Are you interested in setting up a class in your area?
Reach out to me and we will make it happen.