We believe that it is our birthright to be healthy, happy and loved!
Paul shares the story of almost losing his mother to an arrhythmia emergency situation. Bev & Paul go over some of the key parts of the workshop on how to address Arrhythmia with this integrative healthcare approach. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
Skin on skin touch is the way we practice Bio-Touch Healing. Bev & Paul share why that is the way we teach it, but what can you do if you are in a situation where you have no one to touch you. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
Belief is something not needed to practice Bio-Touch Healing. Only a simple intent to want to help another human being who is suffering. Paul & Bev answer questions about this topic. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
Death is not an end, it is only a beginning. Bev & Paul talk about how Bio-Touch Healing can be a very calming, hopeful experience during the dying process. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
Bev & Paul share why the Foundation has created a Certification Program for those who want to be ambassadors of Bio-Touch Healing. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
As Paul turns 70 years old, he shares what “pushed” him into sharing Bio-Touch with humanity and why for over 30 years is he still excited about this mission. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
“Life is for the gambler, it really is. Are you ready to risk it? Do you know when you’re ready to risk it?” -Anthony DeMello. Bev & Paul share the risk of using Bio-Touch Healing in your daily life. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
How do we free ourselves from the programming of “healing”? Bev & Paul share how Bio-Touch can open us to our own self-awareness to trust what we know we need to “do” in helping our bodies heal from stress and disease. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
Happiness is a birthright, but it sure applies to no more ear infection! Bev & Paul review the health condition workshop on ear infections and why so many of our ailments seem to cover up our happiness. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
Simple is profoundly effective. Bio-Touch is simple and a treatment for the people. Bev & Paul talk about how it is not always necessary to be wealthy to afford products and items to take care of your health. It just takes a SIMPLE intent to help another fellow human being and a little “touch”. …