We believe that it is our birthright to be healthy, happy and loved!
Bio-Touch can be used for preventative and maintenance healthcare. Bev & Paul go over two of the Principles of Integrative Medicine. They talk about the research that Dr Kenna Stephenson did in Texas that showed how Bio-Touch breaks the stress cycle of degenerative disease. And it only has to take 30 seconds a day. LEARN…
Bev & Paul start by sharing Principles of Integrative Medicine and a video by Bruce Lipton called “Your Body is an Illusion”. View it here Join them as they speak of how we are actually a community of cells with an electrical vibration. With training, the collective can heal the body. What is that thought?…
How to use Bio-Touch as part of an integrative healthcare program. Bev & Paul talk about Integrative Medicine and how Bio-Touch empowers the individual to work with their healthcare practitioner in a healing process. Bio-Touch is a profound option for our healthcare. It is truly a technique for the people! LEARN LUNG SET LISTEN TO…
Bev & Paul speak about how health is wealth. Each person is a great resource. Affluency is affluency when you give it away. Our goal is to teach Bio-Touch so it can be shared freely. LEARN SINUS SET LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
Bev & Paul relate the music’s “legacy of love”, to the practice of Bio-Touch. There is a WOW factor of Bio-Touch that changes us in the deepest seat of consciousness. As Dr Schwartz says: “Bio-Touch fosters a high level of love…” Bio-Touch sings a song to the cells. LEARN POISON SET for Opioid Addictions Free…
Paul & Bev share an article by John Powers, High School Principal, who thinks it’s time to bring “touch” back into the educational system for better learning outcomes. Read John’s entire article click here LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
Paul and Bev share how to use Bio-Touch when you get sick, and not have to live in fear or guilt with that sickness. They talk about the opportunity sickness gives us in life. Learn Infection Set Download free preview of training manual: http://vid.us/1m2llt LISTEN TO OR DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST
Bev & Paul investigate “newness” for us all as the Foundation prepares a new space for the Tucson Center. LEARN HEAD SET for 21 day Challenge LISTEN TO PODCAST
Bev & Paul talk about all of the fears that we have about using Bio-Touch. Bio-Touch truly is a gift that is time to open in every family. It is a revolution of love! LEARN SINUS SET Get a free preview of the training manual http://vid.us/1m2llt LISTEN TO OR DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST
Paul & Bev talk with Chiara Snowdancer about why she got involved in Bio-Touch and how she is sharing it with her community. Self-awareness and simplicity are key components of the dialogue. LISTEN TO OR DOWNLOAD THE PODCAST