We believe that it is our birthright to be healthy, happy and loved!
Hang out with Bev & Paul as they discuss the need to know about meridians or “energy” in order to be effective at practicing Bio-Touch. How Bio-Touch is a universal practice. Read Afterwords from Book by Carole McKenzie. NECK SET.
What are enhancements in Bio-Touch? Bev & Paul talk about ways to customize a Bio-Touch session so that it becomes an art form…an expression of your desire to want to help another human being. How do you get information on what extra work to do? ENHANCEMENTS SET
“You wake up in the middle of the night with both hands lying across your chest like a couple of plucked bird carcasses, dead of all sensation.” Lynn Coady Carpal tunnel syndrome. It affects so many women I know. My mother suffered from it years ago, and my cousin was recently diagnosed with it. It’s…
“Why is the touch of bio-Touch important?” Welcome home Paul Thyroid Workshop gem: The wisdom of the body Bev quotes: The body is only way home, and home is love Read 5 reason for touch Show research of touch vs non touch Read from BOOK: Bio-Touch is expression of Love METABOLISM SET
Paul is out of town so Bev sat down with Certified Practitioner,Cheryl Hackett to talk about how Bio-Touch changed herlife.
Bio-Touch or Mediciations? It really is not an “OR” but and “AND” No side effects Pain reduction; stress reduction research charts Use BT as Urgent Care Also help body with side effects of medications POISON SET
Can Bio-Touch help in the transition of death? What is death? What is the transition? How can family participate in this transition It is about Love on both sides What is it to fail in helping a loved one? There is HOPE. Being present unconditionally with a loved one GREETING SET
2 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SHOW Why are volunteers important at Bio-Touch? Christine Vock workshop in Switzerland Volunteering is a service To volunteer is to see a need and meet it. We are all volunteering..Bio-Touch gives us an opportunity to step up. Without our volunteers we would not be able to offer Bio-Touch GREETING SET
“What do you need to practice Bio-Touch?” Women’s Health & Wellness Fair Testimonial Luke & Amy No state of mind, no centering Just being a human is all you need Just reach out and TOUCH Even Jerks can do BT STRESS SET
“What are we trying to say by not charging for Bio-Touch?” Michaela in Hawaii Christine in Switzerland Read from BOOK Aflluency is affluency when you give it away What is wealth and health? Why we freely give Bio-Touch to folks It frees us and out concepts Abundance without depletion We want to change the dialogue…