We believe that it is our birthright to be healthy, happy and loved!
“How does Bio-Touch encourage self-awareness?” Vaquita extinction help St Anne’s England MISSION STATMENT We address the body There is no desire to project a “result” Recognize our suffering and pain Helps us make “choices” We are not trying to change people, just be of service LUNG SET
“Is Bio-Touch alternative, complementary or integrative healthcare?” We may be considered more like integrative. How do we step even beyond integrative Old wine in a new bottle Share the description of each of the practices BT is expert in touch healing treatments BT is a power option in the healing arts GREETING SET
“Why does Bio-Touch work? Independence Day dialogue Classes in Mexico Read from Preface of Manual DO vs Just Touch. It really is about LOVE SINUS SET
“Are there language barriers in learning Bio-Touch?” Share Practitioner Training testimonials What is the language of Bio-Touch? Showed all the manuals in different languages Testimonial for child diabetes HEART SET
“What proof do you have that Bio-Touch works?” Congratulations to new Graduate Practitioners Show the research data Show the stress chart Talk of the WOW experience for deep changes Read from the BOOK EYE SET
“How is Bio-Touch an art form?” New German Certified Practitioners: Anke & Barbara You will always get new points as you practice BT “The manifestation of creation is extraordinary!” SHOULDER SET
“Where can you practice Bio-Touch?” Kai – at a wedding Han & Martin – in a hair salon in a mall Rose with Larry – Just at home Genny – after auto accident Chiara – in a bar On a plane, at a party… It is practice where you ARE, not where you have to…
“Where did Bio-Touch begin? Remembering on Memorial Day Begin 30 year Anniversary of start of BT History of places Paul lived Mancos Hotel Classes in SW Colorado THANKS to Dave Claussen, Certified Practitioner
“How is Bio-Touch the redemption of Love?” Read from the Book: page 66 Why we don’t charge for Bio-Touch Read parts of the Royal Wedding Sermon by Bishop Michael Curry How those words relate to Bio-Touch Be ye as little children! EAR SET
“Who can practice Bio-Touch?” Do you need permission to practice BT? Bio-Touch is an expression of what is innate in us It is instinctive, it is Love. Even jerks can do Bio-Touch GREETING SET