We believe that it is our birthright to be healthy, happy and loved!
Bio-Touch is abundance which is shared with all humanity. It truly is a way to end poverty. Bev & Paul discuss the hope that Bio-Touch brings to humanity. LISTEN TO PODCAST
Emotional Trauma is part of all of our lives, as was shared in our Workshop with Genny Garner. Bev & Paul go over how Bio-Touch can specifically help with these traumas especially because they are locked in the body. PODCAST HERE
What is a “seasoned” practitioner in Bio-Touch? Is there such a designation? Bev & Paul discuss the usual paradigm of levels in the healing community and why Bio-Touch is unique in the presentation that everyone is effective at practicing Bio-Touch. Now how can you clinically show that? Or is it even desirable? LISTEN TO…
Don’t just believe what you hear about Bio-Touch Healing…try it and find out for yourself. Bev and Paul discuss healthy skepticism, especially with so many choices that we have in the healing community. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
Bio-Touch Global Certified Practitioners help spread the “touch”. Bev & Paul honor all of those folks around the world serving humanity. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
Bio-Touch is an undoing process. Bev & Paul talk about how the body begins to heal and some of the situations folks have gone through in the process. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
Just Love is being expressed in many public places now. It is recognized as a statement for humanity. With Bio-Touch we have a way to put Just Love into Action and begin to heal! Join Bev & Paul as they discuss this amazing idea. LISTEN TO PODCAST
“We Are One” is a nice concept, but with Bio-Touch Healing there is the opportunity to live in that experience. Bev & Paul share some words from the Dali Lama and talk about the power of Bio-Touch in addressing the body of a fellow human. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
We were asked, “What exactly do you do?” Well, Bev and Paul go over it, again! Also they talk about what Bio-Touch can do for us all in 2024. LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
Bev & Paul just could not stay away from sharing the last message of the year.