View the free presentation on Body Image & Pain.
At the 27 minute mark learn the Bio-Touch points that can help loved ones working with Body Image.
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Constant exposure to idealized media images of flawless human perfection can keep us aware of our own physical shortcomings. In light of these harmful messages, it’s not surprising that we see an increasing number of people with body image issues.
These issues can range from being slightly annoyed by a tiny flaw to developing an obsession with a body part that intrudes on one’s every waking moment.
For those suffering from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), real or imagined physical flaws come to rule their lives. One percent of the population — men and women alike — experience BDD, a mental health disorder characterized by a continued obsession with one or more parts of their body, causing severe distress that interferes with daily functioning. Common characteristics of BDD include a persistent preoccupation with a certain part of the body, social anxiety, and a compulsive need to seek ways to alter their flaw.
Research indicates that people with BDD do not have a total image of themselves. They have problems with visual processing and difficulty recognizing their emotions.
Mirror Exposure therapy has been used effectively to treat BDD in conjunction
with Cognitive Behavioral therapy. Bio-Touch can help one with all the aspects of creating a positive body image. While not a substitute for standard medical care, Bio-Touch is an effective complement to medical protocols. Family members and friends can help each other feel better using Bio-Touch, without being concerned about negative side effects.