Blogs by years

More Hope

There is a type of arthritis in which crystals grow on joints and can lead to immobility of the body. It is painful and brings much suffering. Many times, too, it negatively affects families and friends as the suffering person must withdraw from activities with them due to discomfort. The pain becomes a detriment to…

Grandma’s Arthiritis

“Pain has a way of clipping our wings and keeping us from being able to fly … and if left unresolved for very long, you can almost forget that you were ever created to fly in the first place.”     WM. Paul Young, The Shack When I was a little girl, I loved spending time…

Simplicity is easy to digest

  Debra recently wrote about the digestive process and the discomfort of acid reflux aggravated by hiatal hernia. She also invited everyone to participate in our next Bio-Touch Health Condition Workshop, where we will teach the points necessary to address these problems. As I read her blog, I am drawn into the concept of digestion,…

After the meal…

“So many of the pleasures of life are illusory, but a good dinner is a reality.” ~ Joseph Chamberlain When I’m out at a nice restaurant having a delicious dinner with family or friends, the last thing on my mind is what will happen to my food after I’ve chewed it up. I don’t think…

Heart to Heart

“The human heart has the extraordinary capacity to hold and transform the sorrows of life into a great stream of compassion. Compassion arises when you allow your heart to be touched by the pain and need of another.” RAM DASS Many people, when they want to hug, say that we should hug left shoulder to…

What is the Heart?

One of the definitions of the word heart in Webster’s dictionary is: “a muscular organ that receives blood from the veins and pumps it through the arteries to oxygenate the body.” And I would like to add that what gets oxygenated are the atoms that make up the body. Medical and scientific research is finally…

The Amazing Heart

“There’s nothing more inspiring than the complexity and beauty of the human heart.” Cynthia Hand When I put my hand on my chest, I can feel my heartbeat. But I never really pondered the mechanism of the human heart. Here are some fascinating facts: The heart begins to beat four weeks after conception. The heart…

Oh dear stress!

I have been thinking a lot about this month’s Bio-Touch theme and workshop of Stress and Its Effects.  I have read about and heard from many allopathic and integrative practitioners that stress is the cause of 80% of all known dis-eases and chronic conditions that humanity is experiencing.  Well, wow!  In this profound time, humanity…

Stress & Its Effects

condition top-qualitybuy essay clubdemand recommended There are times in our lives that are just more stressful than others. I’m going through one of those times right now—my hubby and I are moving 165 miles away. We’ve sold our house of 15 years, bought another, and are packing up our myriad of belongings and memories. Although…