Blogs by years

Healing Balm of Equality

“Perfect love cannot be without equality.”  Scottish Proverb I love the way sharing and receiving Bio-Touch rewards people with so many beneficial gifts! Of course there is the relaxation, lowered stress levels, reduction in pain and relief of disease symptoms. Even more amazing, though, is how this light touch reaches deep into our very being,…

Love Thy Neighbor — And My Parents!

I have been blessed. My parents and I are tremendously close. We always have been. When I was a kid, my parents enthusiastically supported every activity my brother and I chose to pursue, be it music, theater, dance, the arts, tennis or science club (that was my brother). Not only were they present for every…

National Family Month

Whew! It’s another hot August. I’m counting down the days of summer, thankful for air-conditioned comforts, and hoping that the worst of the heat is behind us. But many people across the United States are embracing summer’s last care-free days before another hectic school year begins. Aware of the importance of building positive family dynamics,…

Goals of Humanity

For me, freedom, equality and unity have always been the goals of Humanity and we are still striving towards them.  But, as we continue to move through this present shifting of consciousness, people everywhere are beginning to awaken and become aware that these principles are indeed our birthrights.  Before the group of Humanity can be…

Independence – Our Birthright

 “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” I am made more aware of this quote from the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, each year as…

A Divine Idea

Thinking about this month’s blog theme, “putting love into action,” gave me an opportunity to contemplate a little deeper what the word love means to me.  Personally, I think it is such a high Divine Idea that we aren’t fully aware of its power yet.  But at least most of us try to live by…