Blogs by years

Month of Love

February is called the month of love and indeed, there is one day totally devoted to showing those people in our lives how much we love and care for them.  Mostly we show them by giving gifts of cards, flowers, candy, etc. But what if we could give the gift of love to everyone every…

An Idea Has Come

I am looking back on the many changes and events that took place in 2015 for the International Foundation of Bio-Magnetics (IFBM), and I realize that this last year was just the stage of preparation for the work that is ahead of us. Bio-Touch is an idea whose time has come.  The present shifting of…

Goodwill to all

Here it is again, the season which stimulates all people of goodwill to collectively express what is truly important:  giving, sharing, connecting, and through it all, loving. Well how wonderful! I just realized I have described the gift of Bio-Touch, and even more wonderful, that it is the gift everyone can give every day of…

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanks but in part; The full, the true Thanksgiving Comes from the heart. ~J.A. Shedd My heart is bursting this Thanksgiving; I have so much to be grateful for. But most of all that my family will be together — enjoying each other’s company in good health — as we shovel the turkey, cranberries, and…


Oh, how magical the Book Launch Gala was —an evening of stories, food, dancing, and the sharing of a deep love and respect for one another. And folks are still feeling it now! The other magical aspect of this time was that thousands of dollars were spent on this event and the launching of the book,…

Love Story

Yes, the evening of October 17 was full of love, it was magical and I was so honored to be a part of it. For me, the Gala Celebration Book Launch also heralded the next phase in the unfolding love story of Bio-Touch. As I have mentioned before, the International Foundation of Bio-Magnetics (IFBM) has…