Certified Practitioner Training Feb 2015
(Left to right) Laura Hernandez, Georgeana Kavanaugh, Bettina Brentano, Ann Lemley
(Left to right) Laura Hernandez, Georgeana Kavanaugh, Bettina Brentano, Ann Lemley
I’ve been thinking and talking about the membership program of The International Foundation of Bio-Magnetics (IFBM) a lot, lately. Membership is a familiar term to me, but I wanted to expand on its meaning, so I consulted my thesaurus. The list of synonyms contained only four words: association, connection, link and relationship. But I found…
I recently dreamed that I was back in elementary school. My friend, Kenneth, gave me a Valentine’s Day card, and some candy his mother had made. The chocolates were delicious, but apparently contained ingredients that I was allergic to. I got so sick, I spent hours in the emergency room. The next year, the same…
Our January Practitioners from left: Charlotte (Instructor), Judy Richter, LMT(Mesa,AZ), Azucena Nelson, LMT(Casa Grande, AZ), Janet Anderson (Tucson, AZ), Laura Hernandez, LMT(Tucson, AZ)., Bev (Instructor). WE HOPE YOU CAN JOIN US FOR THE NEXT ONE! JUDY RICHTER Amazing! Plan to add to my practice and incorporate skills— JANET ANDERSON The teachers are very informative about…
I would like to begin with a quote from the Epilogue of our Bio-Touch training manual: “Know thyself! Every human being is the vehicle of his own destiny. Each is free to venture into some elegant area of thought and peer with yearning trepidation into the obscure shadows. Those who refrain from this liberty will live…
It’s another new year, and for me, a new cycle inspiring thoughts of fresh opportunities and greater possibilities for growth and happiness. Resolutions and goals are great, but I try to always strive towards something better for myself and those I care about. I took a few minutes to reflect on 2014 and was surprised…
Wow! It is 2015 already. I tooted my horn at midnight on the first day of this year. I’m thrilled to have another year to serve this wonderful organization as President of the Board of Directors. Just thinking about all of the energizing activity ahead sends my heart strings into a melodious song. It was…
“Let our New Year’s resolution be this, we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.” – Goran Persson Happy New Year! Yes, 2015 has arrived and like many of you, I have New Year’s resolutions on my mind. There are so many worthy ones…
“Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.” — Hamilton Wright Mabie If you’re like me, you’re looking at the calendar and scratching your head. How did it get to be December again? My heart fills with that familiar mixture of excitement and dread. The Holidays, family, friends, the…