Your contribution to the International Foundation of Bio-Magnetics (Bio-Touch Healing), a non-profit, tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization is IRS tax deductible and/or Arizona residents can receive a tax credit. We are an Arizona Qualified Charitable Organization #22086

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contribution to Bio-Touch

Thank you for your support!

It helps in the following ways: 

  • Gives you the satisfaction of knowing you are participating in a global revolution for health and healing.
  • In Tucson, Arizona, our all volunteer staff offers personal sessions on a donation basis. 
  • Continually develop our web and social media presence which helps us freely share this technique with our global community.
  • Produce and post weekly Live Stream and Podcasts of programs that encourage and help all people feel more comfortable practicing Bio-Touch
  • Conduct research to show the effects of Bio-Touch Healing.

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