In 2003 I ran a marathon in Durango, CO.  At the time I hadn’t realized the significance of that feat. When people run the Boston, they’re running at sea level. Durango is at 6,500ft elevation. The run taxes every part of the body. In 2004 I broke my right heel bone and quit running.

So for the last 13 years I’ve had so much pain that I could barely walk at times let alone run.  I learned the Bio-Touch method in the early 90s and have continued to do the touch, however sporadically.  

In May of this year I traveled to Tucson and spent 8 days at the center and became a Certified Practitioner.  I have since given several introductory Bio-Touch workshops and have opened a small shop in Durango.  I’ve helped numerous recipients. While in Tucson, I didn’t receive specific sessions regarding my foot issues, however since that time I’ve been pain free.

It has occurred to me that the practitioner receives the benefit of Bio-Touch while doing the points on a recipient. So I’ve added myself to my list of recipients. I am now running again thanks to Bio-Touch.

Dave Claussen

Sarah Masse talks about her experience.

Sarah Masse

What brought me here:  My husband had a stroke in 2008 & 2011.  We were using acupuncture since Nov 2014.  It was helping but it was discouraging when he plateaued.  We found Bio-Touch on the internet.  I became a member, downloaded the manual, practiced the points as taught..AND NOTICED RESULTS.

This class was fun!  I felt very safe and comfortable throughout the whole class.  I learned a lot.  It helped to find the points on other people.  I also learned more info about local work to really help Larry (my husband) with his high blood pressure and to get more mobility in his hand and hopefully help his hyper-extended knee.

For me, I want to keep my health.  I’m doing great but want to feel and be even greater.

Rose Mayer

Mari Gosselin – Feelin’ the love!

Mari Gosselin

Jude Wrege

Jude Wrege

Pete is a Massage Therapist.

Pete Milligan

Bio-Touch is so effective that I received significant reductions in my symptoms even from the brief sets of points touched by my fellow student “associates” while training this weekend, even as they fumbled about at time trying to touch the “right points”!

The class has been practical, hands-on, and has helped me learn the sets quickly, despite the fact that before the week started, I thought it would be hard to learn.

The teachers are all kind and patient and thorough.  Paul’s stories and attitude toward healing are truly inspiring to me: grass-roots, egalitarian, democratic in the true sense of the word.

I will give Bio-Touch to family and friends and I intend to include it as an important “modality” in my healing tool box as a professional already trained in counseling, ecotherapy, energy healing and mindfulness-based stress reduction.

Christopher Chappell

Bio-Touch treatments have helped in my recovery from chronic fatigue syndrome and chemical sensitivities.  I want to be able to share it with others in both personal and professional circles.

Christopher Chappell

Donna is from Delaware.

I am looking forward to integrating some of this int my sessions (massage).  I love how easy this is.

Donna Zetts

Nichole just believes in Simplicity!

Nichole Henshaw