During my treatments, I was already able to experience spontaneous healing several times.
It is happy experiences to look into the incredulous and happy eyes, when suddenly the pain has disappeared or a tension has dissolved. The positive feedbacks make me very happy and I know that I have found exactly the right thing for me with this treatment method .... or it found me !!!!
Since I myself suffer from frequent and severe headaches, I showed my husband a few sentences. That's how I enjoy the BIO-Touch treatments.
I can bring these experiences and feelings well into the treatment of other recipients.
In addition to the sentences I often use the local / manual treatments and feel how the
Energies flow where there are blockages or the connection to the respective areas, body parts or to the organs. I let myself be guided intuitively.
I have already had different experiences. In general, Bio-Touch is perceived as very pleasant and relaxing.
With my husband, I was able to cure his knee pain with a treatment. He could not perform before. In another client, the back pain was no longer available after treatment.
My sister-in-law had strong neck tension, which had also disappeared after a brief treatment of the neck.
Often, the recipients tell me that when they are treating, they specifically report their previously described pain points, even if I do not work directly on the job,
or they feel a rush of energy. Some also report a feeling of one
"Electric shock" when I put my fingers up.
The headset is often reported as having a "light" feel, even though there was a head pressure before.
It always fascinates me, which feedbacks I get and which successes are possible with this gentle form of treatment.
What brought me here: My husband had a stroke in 2008 & 2011. We were using acupuncture since Nov 2014. It was helping but it was discouraging when he plateaued. We found Bio-Touch on the internet. I became a member, downloaded the manual, practiced the points as taught..AND NOTICED RESULTS.
This class was fun! I felt very safe and comfortable throughout the whole class. I learned a lot. It helped to find the points on other people. I also learned more info about local work to really help Larry (my husband) with his high blood pressure and to get more mobility in his hand and hopefully help his hyper-extended knee.
For me, I want to keep my health. I’m doing great but want to feel and be even greater.

the perfect medium
for those
who are
Love and Serve.

March 2016
One of my first client’s was a 38 year old mother of twin boys (4 years old) suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. She had been battling this disease since she was 18 years old and was fortunate in the sense that it had not relegated her to a wheel chair yet. She is extremely active and her twin boys are a handful! However having tried many alternative healing methods which caused her to have severe physical spasms she was very sure that’s what would happen to her through Bio-Touch too.
When we started work she was on anti-depressants and steroids. Severe fatigue, depression. Anxiety and pain down her back were the symptoms. She also had absolute numbness in one thumb. My first aim was to give her the confidence that there would be no side effect to our Bio-Touch sessions and she would not suffer any kind of spasm. As each session went by, the physical pain eased, even tingling sensation returned to her thumb. After 3 full body sessions, the fatigued state was not improving. So I decided to follow the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome procedure from the TriOm book that I have (specific points, in specific order at the exact same time for 7 consecutive days). By day 3 the fatigue had reduced and by day 7 it was all gone never to return… to this day! As we went back to the usual full body procedure, her antidepressants and steroids were tapered off two weeks before the scheduled date. In all we did a whole month of Bio-Touch starting with daily sessions and tapering it off gradually. She hasn’t had MS symptoms or spasms for a year and a half now.
These were the physical effects. But on a subconscious level Bio-Touch eliminated her fear of side-effects and spasms. This led her to try hypnotherapy and chakra healing to resolve her anger issues, ease her marriage trouble and rebuild her family relationships. She has also learnt hypnotherapy now and is a practitioner helping other people deal with their emotional baggage.