The class exposed me to energy work for the first time.  I have wanted to add some energy modality to my practice and I think Bio-Touch will work well for many of my clients.

Fred Sandlin, MT

I came to class because I wanted to learn effective way of doing gentle touch and earn CE Credits.

I liked the class but it was a little too long for me. I am interested in taking the 2 hours classes. I would like to learn less information in one class and have more time to learn it.

I will definately use Bio-Touch with family and clients and give and receive Bio-Touch with friends.


Karen Jablo, MT

March 2016
Massage Therapist

I came in very skeptical and am now interested to discover ways to utilize Bio-Touch in my work (as a massage therapist) and daily life.

I am also curious to find how people respond in comparison to other energy techniques.

Sara Haran

March 2016
Massage Therapist
86 Year Old

I learn more each time I take the class. (Her third time.)

I was sick with food poison when I attended one of the evenings of class but got relief from Paul doing the points on me.  It made me a believer!

Rose Marie Martin

March 2016
Massage Therapist

I had a wonderful experience!


The information was very well delivered and the people are wonderful and loving.

Barbara Lacinski

March 2106

I liked Bio-Touch because it helps a lot with people who have pain and discomfort.

Lizette Duarte