I am currently working at a large HMO as a Parent-Child Clinical Nurse Specialist.  My job is to facilitate patients across the patient care continuum from clinic to hospital to home.  During this time, when hospital stays are getting shorter and alternatives to hospitalization need to be considered, I believe Bio-Magnetics offers valuable tools to nurses and patients’ families.  I took the introductory Class at Kapiolani Community College and have gone on to become certified by the Foundation.  I now volunteer at the Center where we offer individual sessions in BMTH.  I have found my experience in the Center greatly rewarding, and I have had the opportunity to work on my own as a BMTH practitioner.  I feel especially grateful to have been involved with a recipient who I worked with from the ICU through the skilled nursing Facility who had been diagnosed with Guillian Barre.  I encourage all nurses to attend this introductory course and learn more about the healing potential of Bio-Magnetic Touch Healing.



Dolly Smith BSN, MS, Honolulu, HI

I have worked in the field as a nurse therapist for over 20 years in a variety of settings.  I have seen thousands of mentally ill persons receive treatment for symptoms never experiencing healing.  Although I agree that many psychiatric disorders are neurological brain diseases for which certain medications reduce symptoms, I believe Bio-Magnetic Touch Healing is a valuable technique which mental health professionals need to be educated about to promote actual healing of their clients.

As co-chairperson of the (Hawaii) Statewide Nurse Institute Committee, an annual educational offering to about 700 public professional nurses, I had the opportunity to invite Paul Bucky (President of IFBM) to present BMTH at our 1995 Nurse institute on 4 islands.  According to the evaluation forms, the response of the nurses who attended was overwhelmingly favorable about the usefulness of learning BMTH to give better patient care.


Judy Waldman RN, MSN, C Honolulu, HI

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to a fascinating form of alternative medicine called Bio-Magnetic Touch HealingTM.  This technique is taught by the International Foundation of Bio-Magnetics and involves the light touching of the body with the index and middle finger of both hands.

There are several key differences in this method that cause me to support its use and the work of the Foundation.  First, the Foundation is a not for profit educational foundation.  Their goal is to teach people how to perform the technique.  Second, this method is simple to learn – even children have become practitioners.  Thirdly, this technique is as effective for those who have just learned as it is for experienced practitioners.

I have used this method for a variety of conditions in my own office, including migraines, back pain, shoulder pain, sprains, post-herpetic neuralgia, anxiety, hypertension, and tinnitus to name the most frequent.  I have seen this technique work to reduce pain in 3-5 minutes, sometimes dramatically!

I would encourage you to learn more about this simple, yet helpful technique.  For more information, contact the Foundation.


Michael D. Blanchard  M.D.

Department of Family Practice

Sutter North Medical Foundation

800 Third Street

Marysville CA 95901

From the desk of Michael Blanchard M.D.

Healing with touch is a tremendously powerful “medicine”. Bio-Touch is a gentle, yet profound, approach that initiates deep healing in people.  In this book, Debra Schildhouse masterfully introduces Bio-Touch to the world.  Debra takes the reader on a journey of personal transformation, as she shares many fascinating stories of this simple, yet elegant, healing path.

Dr BJ Adrezin

The story about Bio-Touch is one that needed to be told and Debra Schildhouse is the perfect storyteller to do that job.  This simple, gentle, loving technique has touched so many lives and this book will touch so many more.  Understanding Paul Bucky’s journey will help you to understand why anyone walking into the Bio-Touch Center feelsloved and everyone walking out feels better.

Dr. Bill Gallagher, DC

To make a long story short, September 12 of 2006 I decided to have my residency to pursue my heart – to practice as a holistic physician.  I didn’t feel that what I was doing in standard medicine was what I wanted to do.

There was a conference that Patch Adams and his wife were doing about designing healthcare systems.  They wanted to inspire and empower people to see what’s needed and create it by thinking outside the box –like one guy who formed his own alternative health insurance company.  I definitely felt I was in that sort of situation, jumping off a cliff into unknown territory.  While I was there I had the opportunity to hear CP Kia Furhman speak on Bio-Touch.  Since I’m interested In energy work, I thought this was going to be like that and felt attracted to go.  I read the IFBM Mission Statement and realized that here was something service oriented, not income oriented.  It was a non-profit group and when I saw the prices for trainings and heard Kia, I just knew at that moment I had to contact them.   I ordered the manual and video online and called about coming to Tucson for certification and bringing my whole family to the Bio-House. We finagled and here we are!

I had an interesting experience before I came to Tucson.  A colleague came to work and was sick.  I could hear her coughing.  I was feeling good about Bio-Touch at this point.  I had done it on my wife so I figured, “Hey I can do something for her.”  I did stress infection, sinus and metabolism points since she was on antibiotics and wanted to help her maximize the effects of it in some way.  She told me that by that evening she was already feeling much better.  I attributed it to Bio-Touch and not the antibiotics because her infection appeared to be viral.  Antibiotics do nothing for viral infections.  I was very excited after this experience to come out here because this will be so simple to offer my patients.  I can’t wait!

Richard Aballay, MD

Call me “Doubting Thomas”, though my name is Mike.  I thought Bio-Touch was just another flashy thing that my wife got interested in.  But I was wrong!  Bio-Touch has given me a powerful tool that I can teach patients to use for their healing and empowerment.  It has also opened a whole new realm of my senses to use to help my patients.

Mike Blanchard, MDYuba City, CA