Name:  Bunni Chatham                                                     City:  Honolulu

Initial problems:  Husband Allan had 4 crushed vertebrae in lower spine.  After attending Bio-Magnetics classes I began to work on him 20 minutes daily.

How long did you experience this problem before you came to Bio-Magnetics?   He was progressively worse for 2 years.  He could barely walk.

How did you feel after 1st treatment?  He didn’t feel anything in fact he was asleep for nearly all of the treatment.

What was your prognosis before you started Bio-Magnetics?  Kaiser planned to operate and fuse four vertebrae.

Did you notice a change in your condition after receiving Bio-Magnetics?  If so, when did that occur and what was your experience?   Over a four month period of 5 weekly treatments, he began to walk upright and could sail his boat again. In five months,, the pain was relieved.  That was over a year ago and he still gets treatments once a week and maintains a youthful energetic and frisky lifestyle.

Did you participate in any other standard or alternative health care practice while doing Bio-Magnetics?    Your Spine Center, and light work, reiki and meditation and prayer.

Did those practitioners notice any change in your condition?  Yes, of course.

Other comments:  Everybody I know thinks Bio-Magnetics is wonderful!  Thank you!

Bunni Chatham

Dear Paul and all Practitioners at the Bio-Magnetics Center;

As the joy, love and harmony of Christmas permeates the atmosphere at this time, I would like to express my gratitude and best wishes for all your loving service.  I first heard of “Touch Healing” from 2 friends who had taken the course.  They looked so healthy and were so enthusiastic about it that I decided to investigate it.

About four years ago, I had a bad fall and received a compression fracture of the left lumbar.  My doctor could help me, but I never stopped praying and I never gave up hope.  I know if we accept our problems and limitations graciously, and do not resent them, there is always a blessing in disguise there.

So I called for an appointment, found the building and started up the stairs.  As I started walking down the hallway.  I began to wonder if this was really for me.  Actually, I was beginning to have some doubts, but I said, “Lord, if this is all right for me, give me a signal quick!”

As I entered the Center, the first thing I saw was a large show case of Mega Food supplements!   I said, “Thank you Lord!”  I knew Mega Food was the top of the line as I have been using these supplements for 1 ½ years.  I knew I was in the right place.

I had my treatment and noticed how healthy all the practitioners looked, but also they had a radiance, a light, a glow, about them which most people don’t have.  I decided I’d like it also.  Even at my age, I will always want to look and feel my best and I’m willing to do all I can, but I know I also needed help.

I’ve been coming for a few months now and I am certainly seeing and feeling improvement.  My pelvis and lumbar area feel much better.  I even look better and am looking forward to more benefits.

The Bio-Magnetics “Touch Healing” recalls a statement the Great Master gave long ago.  “I came that they might have life and have it more abundantly.”  As the natural tendency of life is love, peace, harmony beauty and wholeness, this also is like Bio-Magnetics.

A few weeks ago, I received this little box (it came with a letter) from a friend.  Inside was a tiny angel.  I took it out and placed it on my mantel where I could see it as I walked by.  Right away this little angel started talking to me and “bossing me around!”  She said, “Recycle this little box!  Put something small in it to show your gratitude to Bio-Magnetics!”  I said to this little angel, “What would fit into anything this small, give me a hint!”  She answered, “Put something symbolic of the whole center. “  (Mary’s gift was a beautiful gold coin.)

Thanks again to all of you and God Bless all at the Center.

Sincerely and Aloha,

Mary K. Swig, a grateful recipient

Mary K. Swig

December 29, 1981


I am a professional real estate educator, holding a bachelor’s degree in forensic (speaking, logic, debate, login, etc.) with a minor in sociology and have been Certified as a Specialist with the mentally handicapped.

For most of my adult life, I felt that the only way to treat illness and injury was through the medical procedures.  In 1974, I was diagnosed with adult-onset diabetes.  I was able to control it with diet until about 1981.  At that time my medical doctor recommended that I begin receiving daily injections of insulin.  The dosage was low, about 10 units daily.  Gradually, it had to be increased until, by late 1989, I was taking 19 units each evening and 15 units each morning.  Use of the insulin helps keep me going, but has not cured my diabetes.

I experienced a slipped disk in my lower back in the summer of 1984.  It responded very slowly to physical therapy, but has returned to normal.

I have always had significant problems with sinusitis and some years ago and was diagnosed as having chronic bronchitis.  These conditions caused me to be on daily medication.  Said medication helped alleviate the symptoms but was of no help in curing the problem.

In the fall of 1989 I was diagnosed by the medical community of having acute diabetic neuropathy from just above my knees down to and including the toes of both feet.  I had very little feeling in the knees and none at al l in my lower legs, ankles, feet and toes.  I could not go up a flight of stairs without hanging onto the railing, knowing that one or both of my knees would buckle after 3 or 4 steps.  My feet were, according to my wife, like blocks of ice.  They were a grayish color, not the pinkish tinge of normal feet.

I was told by the doctors that there was nothing to be done in the way of a cure –their only suggestion was that physical therapy might help maintain the status quo “for a while”.

I gradually became more and more depressed as I saw that the physical therapy was not helping.  I could envision a future marked by continuing deterioration of the feet and legs and eventual amputation.  The doctors’ consolation:  “Sorry – there is no known remedy.”

My wife, Hazel, had been doing more to alleviate the neuropathic problems by use of her accu-pressure massage than had the physical therapy.  Even her ministrations, however, could not halt the deterioration in my feet and legs.  In December, 1990, Hazel attended a week-end seminar in Mancos, Colorado (Southwestern Colorado) at the Bio-Magnetic Educational Foundation  Her enthusiasm about the good work being done at the Foundation led me to ask, ”When do we start getting treatments?”

On January 10, 1991, we both began receiving treatments at the Foundation 3 times a week – I for diabetes, back problems, sinusitis and bronchitis.  Hazel was treated for glaucoma, sinusitis and related problems.

About 4months into the treatments, I noticed that my knees were beginning to hurt.  Most people would fee that that was NOT progress, but when you have had no feeling in your knees for 2 years, feeling pain is an occasion for rejoicing!  Shortly after beginning to feel pain in the knees and lower legs, I became aware that my feet were getting ticklish – another occasion for grant rejoicing!

I have reduced my insulin intake about 30% -I seldom have any numbness in the lower extremities.  I have not had to take any sinus or bronchitis medication for over 6 months.

Most importantly, I came out of the sense of depression in just a few weeks after beginning treatments.  There is simply no comparison with my current attitude toward life and that attitude I had 12 months ago.

My back problems are gradually improving. I have been seeing a chiropractor as well as having bio-magnetic treatments.  (I used to believe chiropractors were charlatans because they weren’t medical doctors.)

The world of medicine is certainly very important to all of us.  I have discovered, however, that there ARE alternative healing methods that will work, even though the M.D.’s may feel there is no cure or effective treatment.

Hazel’s eye doctor has been encouraging her for several years to have surgery. Her last several tests have shown the pressure on her eyes to be gradually lessening – a recent test showed the pressure to be at almost normal levels.

Dos Bio-Magnetics work? It certainly has for Hazel and me and for many others.  Is it magic?  Is it instantaneous?  NO!  We did not become ill or incapacitated overnight, and the body cannot heal itself overnight.  Bio-Magnetics is a process of the body healing itself when triggered by the properly applied touch of another person.

If you have physical problems that the M.D.’s don’t seem to be able to cure or alleviate, you owe it to yourself to look.  The practitioners are all volunteers who seek no reward other than that of seeing the joy of good health returned to those who are ill.  This “work of love” and concern for others is, I feel, part of the reason that Bio-Magnetic treatments are so successful.


Paul M. Robinson   Durango, CO

Paul M. Robinson


“I know it’s helped me but I don’t know how to put it into words!  When Molly (7 year old daughter) starts to get a cold I just work on her and it goes away without getting any worse.”

Shari Bucky     Hawaii Kai, Hawaii

Shari Bucky

“I have had several major concussions, my back has been fractured in 3 placed and my neck has several compression fractures.  My right hand has been pierced through the center by the horn of an angry bull.  This was all before my breast cancer diagnosis…My practitioners were surprised when the swelling and pain in my knee was gone, and it was more stable.  Also my bone scan was delayed for 1 ½ months and the results came back oral.  Progress like this a year after surgery is rare.  My uncontrolled weight gain immediately reversed, probably also with the help of herbs from my sister.  My headaches are only part-time now and are consistently diminishing.  My back pain is half as bad as it was and is also diminishing.

I am able to increase my physical activities and can again do a back flip on the trampoline and in acrobatics I can lift a 215 pound man with my legs with no pain.  Without Bio-Magnetics I probably never would have been able to do this and other skills again   I’m even able to resume surfing.

Thank you Bio-Magnetics Practitioners for your understanding, compassion and generous loving ongoing help!  As I celebrate my 52ndbirthday, I will remember your great contributions to my health, life and happiness.  I’m eternally grateful.        “

Janet Shaw    Honolulu, Hawaii

Janet Shaw


“The pain (arthritis) in my ankle used to be constant – day and night.  But ever since I’ve been coming over here, the pain has died down.”

“Take” Takemoto    Punaluu, Hawaii

“Take” Takemoto


“(May 6th) Since March4th, my blood pressure has dropped by 20 points.  I’ve reduced my blood pressure medications- Labetatol from 400 mg to 200 mg and Prednisone, an anti-inflammatory I take for Lupus from 15 mg to 5 mg.  It usually takes six months to a year to reduce doses Prednisone.  The Lupus is in remission now, and it wasn’t when I began coming in.  The condition of my kidneys has improved and I feel I can handle more stress than I ever have before.”

Margaret Morgan      Honolulu, Hawaii

Margaret Morgan


I started Bio-Magnetics therapy in March, 1992 as a result of a conflict with my doctor about an operation.  She felt she needed to do because of a cyst approximately 2 cm. x 3 cm was found on my right ovary.  I have a history of endometriosis and cysts and have an operation for them previously.  I also was taking progesterone to help the PMS syndrome.  I was experiencing pain as well as uncertainty concerning my physical well-being.  I also had a shoulder reconstructed and needed a chiropractic adjustment frequently.

Since I’ve been with Bio-Magnetics I have less pain throughout my body and am no longer taking progesterone.  I am taking a PMS vitamin supplement.  I haven’t needed chiropractic adjustments and have actually felt my spine shift and my muscles resume their correct place after being stretched.  I also had muscles ache throughout my body which occur less frequently.  I feel less anxiety and frustrated just not having to deal so much with the medical profession.  I don’t know if the cyst has gone away and “may” try to get an ultrasound next March to check.  I am feeling better than I have felt for years and finally have hope of getting well.  This didn’t all happen at once for I needed to go through several ”cleansings” before coming to this point in my healing.

I like that Bio-Magnetics is noninvasive and payment is on a donation basis.  It also absolutely cannot hurt and does help facilitate wellness.



Lynne Durham

August, 1992

Before coming to Bio-Magnetics, I had been suffering from many injuries.  Those injuries I had for a long time – some up to ten years without healing.

The injuries that I had before coming to Bio-Magnetic were as follows:

1)  Damage done to lower back while doing flips off a diving board.  The injury occurred ten years ago and I suffered from pain in the lower back especially in the morning.  I had tightness in the knees, pain on the outside of knees; tightness in the buttocks. These conditions had not shown any improvement for eight years.

2)  Injury number two was a badly torn ligament on my right ankle.  It was repaired surgically five years ago.  Since the operation, I was still suffering from stiffness in ankle, bottom of foot, wouldn’t  rest fist on the ground, pain in area of injury, lack of flexibility and strength, constant respraining of ankle, numbness and lack of feeling around area of operation, and a large scar.

3)  Injury #3 was torn medial collateral ligaments in left knee which occurred seven years ago and there was still pain in area of injury, weakness in left  knee, constant restraining of the knee.

4)  Injury #4 was done in car accident.  One year I suffered from constant migraine headaches and dizziness.  It is 5 years since the accident and I was still suffering from the above including tightness in neck and shoulders with constant cracking of the neck and pulling of the neck muscles.

5)  Injury #5 was probably the worst.  I injured my lower back while moving furniture.  I pulled all the muscles from my lower buttocks up to my mid back, –from my spine all the way to my side. I suffered severe back pains, muscle spasms, constant pulling of the back muscles and a bent over posture.  I could not arch back without causing pain and could not lift anything.

6)  Injury #6 was damage to left shoulder muscles and upper back while colliding into a car door on my bike with my shoulder while going 30 mph.   This was 5 months ago.  Complaints included pain in left shoulder and upper back, weakness in arm and could not raise the arm above head while exerting force.

These were the injuries and complaints that I had been suffering form before seeking Bio-Magnetics treatments.  I have been coming to Bio-Magnetics International two times a weekly for 31/2 months now.  I cannot believe the changes that have occurred in this short time.

The right ankle that had the surgery on it now has feeling in the areas surrounding the place of the operation.  The scar itself has drastically faded quite a bit.

I now have an increase in flexibility, strength and reduction in discomfort in the area.  My ankle is much stronger now and it rarely does get reinjured.

The left knee with the torn ligaments is much stronger now.  The pain is drastically reduced to almost non-existent.

Since seeking treatment, my posture has improved drastically.  I am no longer hunched over like I was before but now I am standing much taller.  I can now arch my back greatly without discomfort.  This I could not do before. My back is a lot stronger now and I rarely pull the muscles in my back any more. The flexibility in my back has increased greatly in all areas of my back, especially the lower back.  The pain in my back has been reduced dramatically.

Before coming to Bio-Magnetics I was physically drained by all the pain and discomfort in my back.  I am now no longer drained by the pain.  I am feeling much happier as a result.  Now I am able to do much more physical work, without causing injury to my back.

In the area of my neck and upper back and shoulders I have noticed a remarkable looseness and increased flexibility in the shoulders and neck muscles.  The muscles in my shoulders used to be tight causing pain.  Now the muscles are much looser.  The shoulder injury is totally healed.

What is interesting to note is that many of the injuries that I had, had not improved or gotten better since the time of the injury.  In some cases the conditions of the injury had not improved in 10 years.  All of these injuries have shown considerable levels of healing in only 4 months and many have almost totally healed since I started seeking treatments in Bio-Magnetics.  Also a note is that I have not utilized any other standard or alternative techniques except two chiropractic treatments last month.

This is my story!

John Munno, Hawaii

John Munno

I have several neighbors and family members who I think would benefit from Bio-Touch. I am anxious to work on them.

Nancy Bevens