In November of 1994 I started coming to Bio-Magnetics, mostly for hypertension and found that my blood pressure would go down dramatically.  The more times I came the longer my blood pressure would stay down. About December 1994 I became involved in other thing and stopped coming.  In March of 1995 I started back with my appointments, because I had been diagnosed as diabetic.  Since then, I’ve taken the Certification Class and have (done) my hours as of May 13.  The side effects of the class and working with recipients are that I’ve stopped my blood pressure medications and never started my diabetes medication.  My sugar is under control and even though my blood pressure is a little high, I feel much better with no medications.  The last side effect is the most amazing to me.  I had discoloration on my calves that has lightened and gone away in places.  Bio-Magnetics has been healing for me as well as surprising.

Bear, Tucson


On April 20,1995 at 9:30 a.m. I had oral surgery.  After my surgery, I went to Bio-Magnetics at 12:10 and immediately after the procedure walked out feeling great.  I had another treatment that evening and still had no pain or discomfort, Another treatment was done in the morning of the next day.  This is great because I have a tremendous fear of dental work and the experience always bring about trauma and pain.  However, with Bio-Magnetics I had none of these experiences.

Warren Humphrey, Tucson 

Warren Humphrey

“Today as I fill the 8th worksheet of this course, just being a part of the foundation makes me smile and fills me with hope. I like knowing I am supported in my journey and that the work I do in turn adds to a larger mission. Also, the dream of setting up a donation based Bio-Touch center here came into being only when I connected with Paul and the foundation.”
Chetna – India 2016

Chetna Chakravarthy


Blessings & love to Bio-Magnetics.

This special sheet with all the blessings and love is my contribution by sharing, caring, understanding and balance.  We are surrounded by the Circle of White Light to healing of every nature.  Men are upon this planet to serve, to render a great service to assist others –in my opinion through Bio-Magnetics. The Laws of Love & the Laws of Life are one with the Universe.  I am one with the Universe.  Much blessing from me to you.

-Violet Dell Sung, Honolulu1995


Violet Dell Sung

I am a Substance Abuse Counselor/Program Director at a methadone clinic.  So, not only do I have all my clients, I also  have to trouble shoot the whole clinic.  Today was one of those days that the natives were restless and wild to put it mildly.  Each time I’d I’d come close to “going off” it would dawn on me, “I sure am glad I’m going to get My Touch Today!!!”  The thought alone would soothe me through the moment.  Thanks Bio-Magnetics!!!

-Barry Austin, Honolulu 1995

Barry Austin

Coming here makes you want to be friends with the whole world!

-Frank Amarino, Honolulu 1995

Frank Amarino

I have been trying to get pregnant for 3 years.

I had my first Bio-Magnetics treatment on March 8 and on April 20 I found out I was 6 weeks pregnant!

-Rica Gaffney, Honolulu 1995

Rica Gaffney

When I received my IONS Bulletin and read that the Institute was interested in hearing from members on exploring service, I thought this would be a great opportunity to tell of my experiences with the International Foundation of Bio-Magnetics.  IFBM is a nonprofit, tax-exempt educational foundation that teaches and ministers sessions in Bio-Magnetic-Touch Healing.  What interested me in the technique was that it helped to activate the body’s natural ability to heal itself, that it was simple, and the sessions were free.  I decided to give it a try.

When I first came into the Honolulu Center I had chronic neck and shoulder pain.  I was overweight and I basically felt pretty sorry for myself.  In the sessions the practitioners used the first two fingers of each hand and touched different points on my body.  They touched me so lightly; it was like a butterfly landing on my skin.  After several sessions my pain decreased.  I could start and stick with an exercise program, and I generally felt much better about myself.

I decide to take the introductory class in Bio-MagneticTouch Healing, and in that one weekend I learned the entire technique.  I continued through the certification program and once I was certified I became a volunteer at the Center.  At first I thought that being of service involved giving up my time; that it was a bit of a sacrifice.  But a soon as I started, the idea that service is a sacrifice went out the door.  I was having a great time!  I had the opportunity to share this technique with people from all walks of life who had amazing stories to tell.

I saw healing take place on a physical level –for example, people who had been in pain for years found relief and people who hadn’t slept well soon slept soundly through the night.  One woman who couldn’t sit down for more than five minutes because of terrible back pain can no sit at a computer for eight years.

Some people have gone through incredible emotional changes.  One man in particular was so shy and withdrawn when he first came in that I felt uncomfortable being around him.  But he got worked on and slowly came out of his shell enough to warn to learn the technique and also volunteer at the Center. Now he goes dancing almost every night!  It is an incredibly moving experience to see how lives are changed simply by touching.  Being of service has contributed to my healing in ways that are still unfolding.  At this point, I don’t know where this will take me, but by choosing to give of myself to others, I reap rewards that are simply a marvel to behold.


Rachel Funk 1990

Rachel Funk

I’ve always been a procrastinator, but recently I’ve reached an awareness that by procrastinating I delayed discovering something that has set a fire under me—Bio Magnetics.  Hmm, about ten months ago, (Sept. 1995) I met this wooly-bully man folks called “Bear” at Awakenings Bookstore.  I had mentioned to him about being on a search for a way to help people and to feel my life had purpose.  Bear talked about Bio-Magnetics and told me about the Center.  He spoke of the treatments with such enthusiasm I thought “Uh-huh!”

So I thirsted along-then about a month later I met Jim Travis, who gave me a wonderful combination treatment of an herbal bath, massage and Bio-Magnetics  Jim recommended for me to go to the center for Bio-Magnetic treatments because of my bad back (result of three car accidents)  Hmmm!!   Now could there be something to this – there was that suggestion again –check out Bio-Magnetics.

Now remember I said I was a procrastinator –I made numerous appointments and canceled them.  I signed up for class not once, not twice, but three times before I actually made it to my first class.  Then for two days I sat through class thinking, “There’s got to be something to this,” but I sure could not figure it out.  Being from Missouri, “The Show Me State” I decided I had better sign up for the Certified Practitioner  Class- still trying to figure out what it was really all about.

In the meantime, I began getting treatments at the center.  First for tendonitis in my right wrist and hand, which was a result of a wrist fractured in two places over two years ago.  At that time I was on 1500 milligrams of anti-inflammatories a day and wearing a wrist brace.  Within a short period of time, I was off the meds and no longer wearing a brace.  And then something started happening.  I had suffered irregular periods since I started menstruating; I had been operated on twice for ovarian cysts had severe ovarian cysts; had severe endometriosis and major PMS. Keep in mind I started treatments in February and now in July for the past six months, I have experienced cycles of 28 to 29 days, little cramping, cysts breaking up and PMS for 1 or 2 days per month, rather than 2 to 3 weeks a month.  I feel for the first time in my life at peace with my body. 

In class, Paul kept throwing around the phrase “self-awareness”.  That phrase made me feel really uncomfortable and yet it was always where I was at.  The odd thing was that I kept going to classes – “just to observe.”  I was also getting really ticked off that things in my life and with my body were changing.  It was not only the physical changes  which bugged me, which soon came to include back pain disappearing; experiencing only one asthmatic attack all spring, better posture, the beginning of weight loss (21 lbs now), but also emotional changes as well.  There was letting go of my fear of being touched which resulted in an actual healing from being abused as a child and this gave birth to trust and starting to be able to accept and give love. 

I still held on to procrastinating by not starting my certification hands-on hours by staying away from the Center.  Ironically, I live and work in walking distance from the Center.  I finished the certification class with very few hours of hands-on experience, and then I began hearing rumors of how working on folks made you even feel better.  So, of course I just had to check this out.  Amazingly, my journey led me to another level of self-awareness—my self-confidence was beginning to surface.

Remember when I said ten months ago I had first heard of Bio-Magnetics?  Well, a of June 26, 1996, I became a Certified Practitioner.  Last Saturday, I agreed to work as Outreach Coordinator with John.  I’m also starting the Instructor Program, doing treatments out of my home, teaching Bio-Magnetics to Jessica, my 8 year old daughter and doing treatments on her.  (She’s also practicing on me.)  And I’m spreading an awareness of Bio-Magnetics on a daily basis, hourly even, whenever and wherever I can.

So Cheryl, I finally have put my experience into writing – a reformed procrastinator?  Well,  all I know is I love doing Bio-Magnetics and experiencing people discovering Just Touch—and now, I have work to do and I love doing it.


Glo Theirjung

July 12, 1996

Tucson, Arizona

Glo Theirjung

Aloha, Paul!
I got my manual & DVD today! Very fast service! Thank you!
I’m impressed with your presentation of the Bio-Touch material…very easy & simple instructions to follow! Nice job, Paul!
I plan on sharing this with my friends and helping them learn it so they can touch me, too! I already learned it back in 1990 thru a woman I met in Sedona, but lost my manual in one of my many moves to different states. I’m so thrilled to reconnect thru you!
From my heart to yours @ Bio-Touch,
Lavendar Rose

Lavendar Rose