View the presentation on Fertility.
At the 20 minute mark learn the Bio-Touch points that can address Fertility Issues.
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Fertility issues affect up to 15% of couples. Fertility isn’t just a woman’s problem. Men can experience fertility challenges too. In fact, men and women are equally likely to have fertility problems.
There’s a myriad of fertility drugs available today, however, most of them are for women rather than for men. That’s largely because it’s easier to promote egg production in women than it is to increase sperm count in men.
There are also many natural treatments available which can include methods such as acupuncture and yoga and eating a healthy diet. In a medical review, it was found that at least 29 percent of couples had tried some form of natural or alternative infertility treatment, either alone or to complement traditional treatments.
Bio-Touch can help to support and ease the stresses of fertility issues. While not a substitute for standard medical care, Bio-Touch is an effective complement to medical protocols. Family members and friends can help each other feel better using Bio-Touch, without being concerned about negative side effects.