View the free presentation on IBS.
At the 30 minute mark learn the Bio-Touch points that can address Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
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About 10–15% of people in the developed world are believed to be affected by Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). It is a disorder characterized by a group of symptoms that commonly include abdominal pain, abdominal bloating and changes in the consistency of bowel movements. These symptoms may occur over a long period of time, sometimes for years, but IBS does not affect life expectancy or lead to other serious diseases.
While the causes of IBS are still unknown, it is believed that the entire gut-brain axis is affected and can be brought on by a food sensitivity, a bacterial intestinal infection or even a stressful life event. Disorders such as anxiety, major depression, and chronic fatigue syndrome are common among people with IBS and can affect their everyday quality of life
Treatment of IBS is carried out to improve symptoms and can be very effective. This may include dietary changes, medication, antidepressants, probiotics, and counseling.
Bio-Touch can help to support IBS as well as address any difficulties that may arise. While not a substitute for standard medical care, Bio-Touch is an effective complement to medical protocols. Family members and friends can help each other feel better using Bio-Touch, without being concerned about negative side effects.