View the presentation on Lymphatic Health specifically Lymphedema, with Hillary Gooden. She even teaches us a bit of simple breathing exercise.
At the 30 minute mark learn the Bio-Touch points that can address Lymphedema.
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Lymphedema is when lymphatic fluid builds up in the fatty tissues just beneath the skin, causing swelling and discomfort. It is common in the legs but can also occur in the neck, face, abdomen, chest wall and genitals.
Early and careful management of this condition is necessary to help keep it from getting worse, as lymphedema can sometimes become severe. Often it is a long-term condition.
The lymphatic system is a network of lymph nodes, vessels and organs that work together to carry clear fluid through the body’s tissues to the blood. Lymphedema can occur when this system gets damaged. This can be caused by cancer surgery to remove lymph nodes, radiation therapy, gene mutations, injury to a certain area of the body, infections, and increased white blood cells due to leukemia.
Signs and symptoms of lymphedema can range from mild to severe and include fibrosis (hardening and thickening of the skin), restricted range of motion, a feeling of heaviness or tightness, recurring infections like cellulitis, and swelling of the entire the arm or leg. Lymphedema due to cancer treatment may appear months or even years after treatment.
Patients at risk of lymphedema can be often diagnosed by their doctor based on signs and symptoms, but they may also order imaging tests to look at the lymphatic system. Tests like ultrasound, MRI, CT scan and lymphoscintigraphy (when dye is injected to help find blockages in the lymph vessels) can be used to help diagnose this condition.
There is no cure for lymphedema, so treatment focuses on preventing complications and reducing swelling. Treatment may include compression stockings and bandages, careful skin care, specialized lymphatic massage, sequential pneumatic pumping (when a sleeve worn over the affected limb intermittently inflates to help move lymph fluid), and on rare occasions surgery to remove swollen tissue or create new drainage routes.
Bio-Touch has been shown to help with pain and stress. This easy to learn technique complements other therapies and everyone is effective the first time they try it.
The information presented here is for educational purposes only. Medical advice is neither offered nor implied. Please consult a healthcare professional for medical advice.