Embrace the pain…

“We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.”  Kenji Miyazawa Cancer. It’s a hot-button word that can evoke deep emotions—fear, anger, sadness, gratitude, and even joyful triumph. As do many of you, I have friends and loved ones who have fought the disease. Alas, some have succumbed, but others have survived…


Shingles & Psoriasis

Shingles and Psoriasis are skin conditions that can not only devastate the skin, but can wreak havoc on a person’s entire life. When my friend suffered with the pain of shingles recently, she told me how it negatively affected her ability to move, regulate her body temperature, sleep, or control her emotions. Her peace of…


After the meal…

“So many of the pleasures of life are illusory, but a good dinner is a reality.” ~ Joseph Chamberlain When I’m out at a nice restaurant having a delicious dinner with family or friends, the last thing on my mind is what will happen to my food after I’ve chewed it up. I don’t think…


What is the Heart?

One of the definitions of the word heart in Webster’s dictionary is: “a muscular organ that receives blood from the veins and pumps it through the arteries to oxygenate the body.” And I would like to add that what gets oxygenated are the atoms that make up the body. Medical and scientific research is finally…
