Transcript: Bio-Touch In 2023 – Magical. Mondays with Bev & Paul: January 2, 2034


Good morning humanity and happy New Year with Bev and Paul. Hi everybody. My name is Paul.


Oh, happy New Year this is Bev.


Yes, and it is a magical 2023, isn’t it?


It can be, it can be.


We’re going to say it is so join us. In the magic, because we’re going to. Talk about Bio Touch in 2020. Three, and if you have any resolutions that you’d like to share with all of us, just put it in the comments and. We’ll wave our magic wand and help you make it happen.


Here’s the one (raises two fingers)


Yes, there it is. We have the magic wand. All right, folks. Here we go so.


Let’s even talk about. We always love talking about making resolutions. And you know, let let’s talk about what’s the resolution for the International Foundation of Bio-Magnetics and sharing Bio touch around the world.


I think we just keep on doing what we’re doing.

You know. I mean, it’s so it’s so bio touch. It’s such a simple concept really that you know you. Can just. Add so much to it so it’s like we have to just keep holding that simplicity. The Magic is that we all can share it together. We to come to a resolution as oh I’m going to start using bio touch in my life. I would love to have people make that resolution.


And I think that’s the beauty of if there’s any resolution. Whenever I’m doing a yoga class, I always say OK, set your intention and the only thing I can come up with is:  Be in the present moment. Like there can’t be a better resolution or a better intention than how can I live in the present moment?  How can I be aware of myself as I move and groove in the world around me? And bio touch really, I’ve found after 30 some odd years, is a great way to practice living in the present moment. And as we talked earlier, that’s where the magic is.


Right. I absolutely agree. You know all the great ones have told us over many, many millennia the same thing, there’s the eternal Now. There’s only the present moment. You know the past is to learn from it, the future, it’s not even here. Why set up tension? So what’s the middle point of those two? It’s called the present. And bio touch is offering all of us to experience that and be the expression of that. It’s like a point of peace. It’s the magic. We talk about this affluency idea all the time. The magic is the affluency that share together. I think that’s an underlying part of the magic of bio-touch. It’s here to remind us that we are a group. Experiencing real life. You know we’re not inventing anything new, right? We’re just all beings here, eventually trying to express this great essence called love, which is, as we have have talked about is already present in us. It’s just covered up a lot. Bio Touch can begin to peel away those layers. That’s called Awareness, self-awareness. So we’re offering all the time every Monday we keep saying. Here is a way in which humanity can bring itself to a point of peace, a point of healing, a point of connecting everything that we already are. That’s the magic, you know.


And it’s funny how you just use the word point, a point of peace, a point of connecting, and that’s what we share. Points on the body to help you connect.




So in one sense, every point that you do on the body, whether you’re working on the lung set or the eye set or the head set or just the Greeting, you’re touching that point! It’s a momentary sensation as this electrician said. He said every time he would close his eyes and he said every time someone touched one of those points, he got this flash of light.


Wow, that’s wonderful.


And he said the longer you held it, the light went dimmer and dimmer and dimmer. Than when you went to the next point, there came the spark of light again. So it’s sort of like that’s why we do points for 6 to 8 seconds. We’re constantly reminding the body that it’s the present moment you can wake up and then it starts to go back asleep, then, oh wait, wake up. So bio touch is that moment of just waking up and that that is truly where the magic is, isn’t it?


It is! Then when you when you really think about it, it’s such a powerful thought. And I think this is why you and I continue to do these shows because we know what is possible. You know, and so we talk about resolutions and  what people do is they set themselves up for failure.




If we want to use that word, they put so much pressure on us. New Year’s Resolution is to do this, this, this and this whatever. Yet we were saying there really is no failure. That it’s lovely to maybe have a plan or an idea of what you would like to accomplish, but I think we all ought to resolve to love ourselves more, stop judging ourselves as much or everybody else. And this is what that point of peace where healing truly takes place. When we come into that relationship. Here’s the thing going forward. We are not going to be allowed to do this alone anymore, that that sense of being separated from everyone. There’s me, and then there’s everybody else. That’s no longer applicable. We’re rising into a whole other consciousness, a self unawareness about who we are as a group. The way forward is to do this together and I really believe that’s one of the reasons why bio-touch, as an amazing gift, is here to offer us the opportunity to experience that. On a daily basis, my goodness.


Right, and that just takes 30 seconds folks a point to point contact. and you know. I just want to build on that. We are all in this together and I think what’s happening on all the news shows and all the documentaries and even in movies, they’re starting to remind us we are all together. What’s the big movie now about the next avatar?

And it’s one of the biggest hits. I think people are yearning. They’re yearning for this desire for the magic. I mean it’s magic. Avatar is a magical movie and it’s bringing conscious awareness of our surroundings.


Well, you know. I just want to make a comment about the magic. It’s very interesting we’re moving into a new point in our history and the whole concept of that is order and magic. It’s here and it’s going to affect all of us and all of life here. For the next, however, Millennium, it’s moving in and this is why we are all shifting into it. I always say that humanity is hungry, they’re hungry to reclaim their birthright. They have lost the way to do that. But bio-touch is here. That’s why we say our birthright is to be healthy, happy and loved. We need to reclaim that.


And that is part of living on this planet. I just heard something today. They were talking about saving the planet and the guy goes. You know you don’t need to save the planet. The planet is going to be OK, it’s the humans we got to worry about.


Right. We need to save ourselves, because we are not here to save the planet we’re here to save ourselves.




For the things that we have to really do here.


Right, and that is to help one another. And bio touch is an easy way to do that. Just to resolve to do 30 seconds with a loved one at home or our kids or our grandparents. Do it with people going through the transition of death or going through life. You know, the newborns reaching out and touching. Just creating these things. Just picture fingers touching each other around the world.


Around the room.


It’s just a wonderful thought.


A web of fingers.


So we talked about resolution. You know the board, that you are the wonderful guidance of as the President of the Board of the International Foundation of Bio-magnetics, every month has a meeting and this group of people is holding a space as you talked about the group work. And at every meeting we have to make our resolution, you know, and we have to set the project. We have to set who’s going to do it. Set a timeline. How much resources do we want to use for that. And then we reevaluate it. And in the 30s plus years I’ve been working with this foundation it always generates abundance. There is no failure.

I never had a goal of how many people should be here, or, you know, I don’t draw a salary, so I don’t have to worry about whether I’m making enough money. It’s just setting these goals and and resolving to do these things and then looking at. It worked or that didn’t work. But never, ever have we ever felt like we’ve failed.


Oh my goodness you are not kidding for one thing, this whole foundation is dedicated to serve with Love. How can that fail?


Right? How can that fail!


It won’t.


No, and so everything we do is based on Loving the neighbor. That’s it. And it all goes back to that from our mission statement and our vision statement.


Right, come together and really look at where we’re going and what we want to. How can we expand our responsibility? You know it’s not just you and I, it’s this whole board of directors. These amazing people that are here. Supporting this whole effort, they each bring their own heart to that group and together. Here we are working to really get this out. So every time we meet it’s this meeting of the heart. It’s this beautiful thing.


And it’s always, and it’s always magical what comes out.

I’ve always liked the idea in groups where everybody puts into the pot their ideas. There’s no right or wrong ideas. There’s no stupid ideas. All these ideas into the pot, right? And then you take and you turn up the pot, stir the pot up. What you’re left with is magical.  What comes out is the answer. The magical answer that incorporated all of these ideas. It’s worked all these years and you helped guide this organization perfectly with your ideas of group work.


You know I would like to say something cause I always go back to the preface that Gary Schwartz wrote about his take on Bio-Touch. He so got it at the deepest level, but I want to say that what happens in the self-awareness that Bio Touch can promote and encourage in each of us. We are just one of the kingdoms or the life forms on this beautiful planet, and there’s more of us waking up to say, oh, we are the caregivers. It’s that we don’t need to save the planet, we need to save ourselves so we can do what We’re here to do. And Gary got it. Bio-Touch is going to eventually bring us not into our own self-awareness, but this awareness that we are part of a group of souls that are here to help all the life forms on this planet and that’s what he was talking about. Wow, it’s not just about ourselves, it’s about all of life here that is huge when you think about that concept. That love that comes from humanity. For all of the other life forms. Wow, that’s the affluency that we talk about.


And part of that affluency that we’re going to share with the board. Also we’ve been working with Google Ads. You know, as a nonprofit organization we got $10,000 a month in Google ads and we found this great marketing group that’s helped us. Root Cause Marketing and they’ve really dedicated a lot of their time and energy to help us work with understanding how nonprofits can utilize that grant.


And so we’re doing a lot of Google ads and already we’re getting a lot more visitors to learn wanting to learn. About bio touch. And so one of the things they asked us to do is ask people to give us a review on Google. So we’re asking you to just click on google search for Bio Touch and see that little link on the Business Ad where is says “Add a review.” Just a few words, you know, give us a number and that helps us get bio touch out to more people so you can help get bio touch out there just with your reviews. I mean, that’s what we’re being told that we should really encourage our recipients to do.


And you know that’s just a great little service that that you can do to help get Bio-Touch out there.

This great organization, this revolution that’s going on in. The world of love. Help us get the word out. Just go in there and just put whatever that you know or experience with Bio-Touch. Help us get those numbers up so that we can reach more and more. People, that’s what we need.

One of the other goals we have that we want to do a lot with is our global communications. I mean, we have practitioners all over the world and we are grateful for that.


So we really want to keep those communication links up, whether it’s. Germany, Turkey, Mexico. You know Australia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia. You know the list is just magical.


I know.


It’s magical because no matter where you go on the planet, there is a common language. This is a common language. You don’t even need words. You can show people how to touch those points. Common language, the two fingers, the body. Everyone has the same body. It functions the same, so Bio-Touch is perfect on a global awareness of healing and magic.


2023 is going to be a year of expanding the magic of Bio-Touch. That’s what I want to see happen.


Happy new year and thank you.

Thank you everyone for joining us and we look forward to being with you every Monday in 2023.