Good morning humanity. It is January 16th, 2022 and it’s the favorite time of our week because it’s Mondays with Bev and Paul and hi everybody, my name is Paul.
Morning this is Bev.
Almost forgot there, didn’t you?
So it was. Great today, no traffic because it’s Martin Luther King’s birthday today and so we had a dream too. And that’s what we’re going to talk about here today. Bio-Touch in the age of AI, artificial intelligence. Wow, so the big question I was talking to Jenny last night on how do we create a reality? Are we even real? You know, right now we’re just on this little screen here that it could be AI. Somebody could have made us up and put us on here. We don’t who know who put us here. So we’re going to talk a little bit about this and have a little dialogue if you have any comments on how AI can help get bio touch out there to humanity, please let us know.
We’re going to start with how back when there was this thing called Watson. Watson was the big AI that they put on jeopardy back in 2011. And you know, back in 2011 we were, you know, probably halfway through doing Bio-Touch, but we were a big presence. And I always thought, even back then, I thought you know something we need to get Watson to talk about Bio-Touch.
Wow, wouldn’t that be the ideal?
Yeah, and here it is today with this what’s it called ChatGPT. It is one of the AI things that they’re all worried about. If you type in a question it’ll write a book or a blog. And so I did. I signed up for an account and put in, you know, how can I use bio touch? Hashimoto’s disease or a question? How can Bio Touch be a good complement to my healthcare and within seconds it wrote like 3 or 4 paragraphs about that?
Oh my goodness.
Even when I asked it about how does Bio-Touch relate to other touch healing modalities and it talked about Reiki, it talked about therapeutic touch, so we’re out there. But the interesting thing, and we’ll talk a little later too, is, it did mention how a practitioner says there’s effects with it, but there’s not really a lot of research behind it.
Even when we put stuff into Google, right? You know we’re starting to come up more and more and that is our goal.
Yes, that’s exciting.
Well, it has been our goal this whole last year has been about. You know driving us towards that point where when somebody searches for anything like Bio-Touch we come up. You know we’re a very viable source of information, healing techniques, teaching whatever you’re looking for. You know, I think we kind of cover all of those bases, so it’s just part of our responsibility to get the word out. More and more
Root cause marketing really helping. They’ve hooked us up with a group that knows how to do the SEO work, especially with the grant that we have for Google ads and what I’m learning then and learning now too.
And this is where all of you can really help. It it’s about getting the word out there on the line. And so one of the things we hear all the time from these different marketing groups and SEO groups is our website is packed with information and they’re always impressed with how much information, how many words are on our website. In fact, what happened this past weekend?
Too much.
Yep, it crashed. Michael Mansell, who’s helped us create the whole website from the beginning and has been with us through all the different stages recommended that we get a dedicated server because are overloading data on the platform we have now. So we have to upgrade to a dedicated server, and now we can have unlimited amount of information out there. That is the key to getting into AI, whether you call it Watson, Billy or Hilly.
Well, I guess that’s the price you pay for really growth expansion.
We’re an educational foundation, and the goal that we’re trying to do is get people educated about the benefits of Bio-Touch.
And one of the best ways we can do that if all of you out there, if you’ve experienced bio touch, post it in the comments. Go online to do a Google review. Or send it to us and we’ll post it on our website for testimonials, especially if you have a specific condition that it helped. We are creating more short little courses that people can learn for specific conditions. We have 70 workshops we’ve done where in an hour you can go to, let’s say Hashimoto’s disease, have a presentation by some expert in the field.
And then we teach the three or four sets of points that can help address that condition. So within an hour you can get the information and you can do that just by looking it up on Google. Or you can go to our website and up there we have our own little search engine. Look up whatever disease you’re trying to work with and see what information’s on our website about that.
Lots definitely.
And if it’s not there, contact Bev, she’ll find it.
And if I can’t, I know who to send you to.
So we really have to develop an awareness of the Bio-Touch research. We have a whole section called research on our website. Oh, here’s something I didn’t tell you. So one of the first research projects that was written in 2000 was by a young man going to Graduate School. It is very detailed with lots of data. It’s on our website. Evan Williams. So I looked him up online. Sure enough, he’s in South Carolina. Anyhow I made a new appointment on their portal. I said hey, if this is Evan Williams who did our research, let’s get in touch. I was thinking he might want to collaborate with Doctor Stephenson’s research that she wants to do. She wants to rent this machine that measures what was it again?
It measures the frontal lobe reactions and hemoglobin count. you know. The frontal lobe is really a massive center. A station for all kinds of emotions and things that are felt in the personality life, so it’s a really important.
What Got me excited is how excited she is because somebody of her caliber. That she is so passionate about Bio-Touch and really has reached out to us because she wants to do more research with Bio-Touch. She’s experienced it herself and has written some of our research. She talks about it as she travels around the world. So for us to be in a position to be able to work with her now, I think the timing is perfect and this board is ready to go so. I think we’re all excited about this next step with Doctor Stephenson.
Right, she’s in the process of seeing if we can lease this machine for a while and then do a huge clinical research where you do get approval from the universities. You know I’m thinking too, like if we can get Doctor Williams involved and other doctors to do it in different places and teach some people in other communities. The we can start posting it. Already the research shows a reduction in pain, a reduction in stress, a reduction in anxiety, an increase in energy levels, and an increase in feeling cared for.
The research showed those results from Doctor Schwartz and Doctor Stephenson, who actually did hormonal testing too.
And we saw a rise in interleukin 12 levels and a regulation of cortisol levels. So we do have the research and now we need to speak it. Type it in more. It’s the language of research you know. We have the manual and all kinds of languages. Well, we have it in the language of research too. For those who need that to incorporate bio touch into their healthcare.
Well, this is why during our practitioner trainings we make it part of that course because so many of the students that come are doing other techniques or we have people like in the medical profession and massage therapists who need the information. Introducing all that research so that they have that core data, not just the technique itself, but the research that Doctor Schwartz and Doctor Stephenson and Carol McKenzie have all done. And now it’s just time for us to really get it out more into the community.
And we’ve had people like Doctor Aballay on our show who is an integrative medicine practitioner that says bio touch just goes right to the core of our being and it bypasses the mind and it helps the body begin to heal. Which we’ve talked many times about Bruce Lipton. Change the story and the cells will follow.
At the cellular level.
Right, and that story is just about love. You can’t document that kind of love. There’s no chart that will show that. But we can show the results of bio touch. People always want to know how does bio touch work? Do you have the proof that it works? Well the research doesn’t really show us why it works it is merely telling us what’s happening.
But we do have. In in the research you did with Doctor Schwartz, we do have certain charts that point to how people felt more cared for.
And when feel more cared for boom, people can get better.
You can call that love or you cannot call that love, but that was that was part of it.
So there are a lot of these techniques out there and I think bio touch can really be on the cutting edge of this research. Especially If we show how anybody can do it, not just seasoned practitioners or initiated practitioners. If we can show that somebody who’s just doing it for the first time, will get the same results.
Get the same results. I think that’s the key going forward and we always have mentioned it. Everybody can do it. There’s this pre conditioned attitude in the in the masses that say, I can’t do that I you know I’m not able to do that or I’m not worthy enough to do that or whatever. We come up with so this is one of our challenges. To say and get through to them that yes, you’ve always been able to have the ability to learn Bio-Touch, to practice Bio-Touch, and to make a difference in other people’s lives. Why else are we here? And I think that’s one of the. Cutting edges of Bio-Touch. We know the challenges and it’s about this.
Through all of that we just say you’re able to love. And this is a way you can do it. And as simple as that sounds. Boy, it’s it’s one of our biggest challenges, as the ones who are responsible to get the word out and share the good news.
Share the good news.
The good news, Folks, just two fingers touching the body lightly like a butterfly.
Please join us and help us get bio touch out into the AI community. Just mention it. Talk about it, post it, write about it. Just a little line. Encourage your friends and your families to talk about it. You know it just takes a moment, you know you can put it right next to all your political, social, economic post and jokes., Just add a little line about Bio Touch. How did it help you and how can you see it helping humanity.