Sharing Bio-Touch at events.
The WOW factor of Bio-Touch: can make changes in the deepest seat of consciousness.
Why we present Bio-Touch, and not promote.
Happy New Year Jewish Tradition.
Bio-Touch is a gift for all humanity for all time.
Ancient Egyptian healing technique, reawakened.
Dreamcatcher presentation.
One year anniversary of Book Launch
Interview with Debra, author
Why the book, past year & future
German Publisher
Read Excerpt from Gary
Buy Book with discount
Bev Wood in DreamCatcher
Start meetings with Greeting Set
Artificial Intelligence: Winston & Healthcare
Parade Magazine – Awe is Secret to Health
WOW factor of Bio-Touch
Gratefulness during times of change
–political, artists death, planetary influences
DreamCatcher: Bettina Brentano
Dr Weil School of Integrative Medicine
–Bio-Touch participation
Quote from Book: Carole McKenzie
Teach Neck
Giving Tuesday