May 21, 2018

“How is Bio-Touch the redemption of Love?”
Read from the Book: page 66
Why we don’t charge for Bio-Touch
Read parts of the Royal Wedding Sermon by Bishop Michael Curry
How those words relate to Bio-Touch
Be ye as little children!

June 4, 2018

“Where can you practice Bio-Touch?”
Kai – at a wedding
Han & Martin – in a hair salon in a mall
Rose with Larry – Just at home
Genny – after auto accident
Chiara – in a bar
On a plane, at a party…
It is practice where you ARE, not where you have to go!

July 9, 2018

“Is Bio-Touch alternative, complementary or integrative healthcare?”
We may be considered more like integrative.
How do we step even beyond integrative
Old wine in a new bottle
Share the description of each of the practices
BT is expert in touch healing treatments
BT is a power option in the healing arts

July 16, 2018

“How does Bio-Touch encourage self-awareness?”
Vaquita extinction help
St Anne’s England
We address the body
There is no desire to project a “result”
Recognize our suffering and pain
Helps us make “choices”
We are not trying to change people, just be of service