Caring for Caregivers and Bio-Touch Healing have collaborated to offer you this practical training. Both Foundations are 501(c)(3), non-profit, tax-exempt organizations. Bio-Touch Healing was established in 1989, and Caring for Caregivers launched in 2022. Our collective efforts in developing this training are based on you, the caregiver, and the power of touch that you will provide to your loved one.
There are several educational benefits for both you and the recipient. Most caregivers struggle to overcome fear, anxiety and a sense of helplessness. We will teach three Bio-Touch Healing sets that can address these and give a sense of wellbeing. Bio-Touch uses the tips of your fingers with a soft butterfly touch to notice profound results. End-of-life care is something we all deal with at some point. Caring for Caregivers is dedicated to offering educational options for all – improving CARE for the Last 5 Yards of life.
This video shares with you the basic Bio-Touch sets that would be beneficial to help with the Last 5 Years of Life for both the Caregiver and those being Cared For. The workbook can be downloaded so that you may always have a reference to the sets with links to the video. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.